WJIV Testing

What is it?

The Woodcock-Johnson IV (WJ-IV) is an individually administered assessment that thoroughly tests academic strengths and weaknesses with varying subsets of tests. It includes comprehensive assessments of reading, writing, math, oral language, processing, and more. Unlike other achievement tests that only test your child at their current grade level, the WJ-IV is for anyone from preschool up through college (and beyond).

How long does the test take and when will I get my child’s results?

The test takes 1-2 hours to administer. The format is engaging and changes so the student can remain focused and perform their best.  Results will be emailed within three days and a follow up consultation to review results can be scheduled.

Who should be tested?

Anyone looking to improve his or her instructional outcome should take the WJ-IV. This test pinpoints individual strengths and weaknesses, which provides parents and educators precise information to better remediate in areas where students struggle and challenge them in areas they excel. The WJ-IV is also a great yearly assessment for homeschoolers and meets state requirements for a standardized test.

Where can I have my child tested?

WJIV testing is available in our office or virtually via Zoom.

What is the cost?

The Tutoring Link offers the complete WJ-IV test for only $225. You can also choose just Reading and Writing for $125 or just the Math portion for $125. Homeschool students save 20% in April!

About Us

The Tutoring Link offers personal and/or small group (3 students:1 tutor) tutoring that meets each child’s academic need from K- 12th grade.
Learn more about The Tutoring Link


10844 Providence Rd. Suite. 225
Charlotte 28277


Monday – Thursday
10:00am - 7:30pm
© 2024 The Tutoring Link
704-618-0803 | laurel@thetutoringlink.com